Hi, I'm Stacey!


I have been an archeologist of purpose and self-actualization for as long as I can remember; digging everywhere I can in the hopes that I could uncover the lost “it”. I have always wanted to find “it”. Not the “it” that comes in the shape of a fancy car or unpronounceable shoes but the “it” that would complete me, make me feel whole, clarify my purpose, fulfill and validate that I am living my best life possible. I always saw the life of my dreams on the other side of a bridge (one of those wobbly ones made from rope and planks, hundreds of miles above a rushing river). And I just couldn’t figure out how to get to the other side.

I became obsessed with TED talks about happiness, behavior influencers and modification, positivity, grit and success. October 2015 I enrolled in a certification course and realized there was a name for all the efforts I had been practicing over the last 10 years. It is called Positive Psychology and the course had put everything I knew (gratitude, positivity, optimism, care, awareness/mindfulness, mind chatter, beliefs, neuroscience, willpower, success, etc) together and under one title. I LOVED learning the science behind all the interventions (I didn’t even know they were called “interventions”) I had been studying and using all these years.

I had no doubt there were plenty of people who didn’t know there were happier tools that you could practice. There were also people who knew there were tools but didn’t have the time to read the books or money to take a workshop. There was so much knowledge and so much opportunity to deliver it.

So I thought, “Why not find a way to deliver these scientifically proven ways in easy, bite-size morsels so people can practice small tools every day?”

So I did. I created Happier by The Minute offering short impact videos teaching the tools of Positive Psychology. That led to a weekly webinar called The Happy Huddle which then led to a podcast which then led to an Alexa Skill...and it just keeps getting better.

In the meantime, I have been supporting the blossoming of my 2 boys, Dashiel (8) and Declan (6) and have grown SO much being their mom. They are my greatest teachers and I have spent a great deal of time trying to be a better mom (while supporting other moms in support groups for moms with special needs kiddos).

I am super excited to announce that I just recently completed a 5-month, PhD level course with Dr. Shefali Tsabary to become one of her esteemed Conscious Parenting Method coaches. I have grown and learned more with her than I have in the last 20 years of personal development. I am so humbled, honored that I get to use this knowledge to help other moms become their best mom-selves for their children.

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In the meantime, check out all the great tips and tool at any of these places below:

Facebook | Instagram | iTunes | YouTube | SoundCloud | Anchor.fm | Spotify 

I can't wait to meet you! We will have a blast as we learn and grow together.