Ep 10 Happiness is as easy as brushing your teeth

Did you know that you can amp up your happiness by amping up your gratitude journaling?
Research shows that writing down 3 things that you are grateful for daily will increase your happiness. Are you doing that yet?
Research also shows that adding how you contributed to that good thing happening will significantly increase happiness and decrease depressive symptoms immediately after doing that exercise. Researchers found these effects lasted as far as 6 months post intervention. (Research from Seligman, Steen, Park & Peterson 2005)
For example, you may write down, “I am grateful that I get to work with awesome people. I like to thank them by baking homemade treats and they really appreciate it .” or “I am grateful for the wonderful family dinner we had tonight and I am proud of myself for trying a new recipe.”
Remember- You don't have to wait until the end of the day. You can write down a great moment right after it happens during the day. Noticing positive moments more frequently throughout the day will certainly make you a happier person.
So get yourself a nice notebook or find a note taking APP on your phone and start documenting your gratitude. TODAY. Let us know on Facebook how you are tracking your gratitude.
Because if you want to increase your happiness- gratitude works!
And please help us spread these quick tips and tools by sharing this video with your friends and family.
See you in a minute,